
Nintendo switch diablo 3 save editor
Nintendo switch diablo 3 save editor

nintendo switch diablo 3 save editor

But if you must know, the max number of affixes is 5 or 6. Re-rolling them with the cube puts the right number of affixes on the item. If you want to edit it more, then I go to the Enchantress, check what each affix can possibly be turned into, note it down, then load the save back into the editor and mess with the affixes some more to get exactly what I want. I spent forever re-rolling an item and getting pissed I wasn't getting the stats I wanted only to find it was a legacy item not actually available in the game anymore. Just give yourself the materials needed for re-rolling. The only issue you need to worry about is making Rare or lower items as they cannot be re-rolled. This replaces all affixes (and fixes the number of affixes) to create a legit item. Then I take the item to the Kanai's Cube and re-roll it. Typically the +XXX Strength / Dex / Int stat. When I add a Legendary item I put 5x the same affix. 5 if the item has a special effect that can be extracted as a power, 6 if it doesn't. TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "NoneType") to listĬlick to expand.You don't need to bother counting them. The other two tabs on the program are empty and the gold, rift and paragon levels are all that appear to be editable.įile "C:\Users\surface\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\tkinter\_init_.py", line 1705, in _call_įile "C:\Users\surface\Desktop\diiiros\D3Edit-1.0.5\gui\_init_.py", line 60, in openfileįile "C:\Users\surface\Desktop\diiiros\D3Edit-1.0.5\gui\_init_.py", line 72, in loadaccountįile "C:\Users\surface\Desktop\diiiros\D3Edit-1.0.5\gui\tabs.py", line 129, in configure_stash_frame Hi! I've been trying to use this program but any save I open with it (I've tried two) gets hung up on this error.

Nintendo switch diablo 3 save editor